4 Must Know Tools for Navigating Sexual Expression & Consent in the Context of Dementia
Learn to balance an individual with dementia’s right to sexual autonomy and privacy while maintaining safety.
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In This Webinar You'll Learn
– 1 –
The Facts About Dementia and Sexuality
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How Your Own Values May Impact The Sexual Health And Rights Of People With Dementia
– 3 –
Guidelines For Sexual Consent In The Context Of Dementia
– 4 –
Why Every Long-Term Care Community Needs A Sexual Health Policy
When a person with dementia expresses their sexuality, there are often lots of questions and dilemmas with no clear answers, like:
- Can the person consent to intimacy?
- Do the intimate partners misidentify the other for a spouse/partner?
- How do you differentiate between healthy and unhealthy sexual behaviors?
- Are we doing the right thing for the people we care for or are we causing more harm?
What is clear in the midst of this confusion is that training, education, and guidance is needed, which is why we are providing this workshop to you.
This Webinar is a Must Attend If…
- You’re a professional who values holistic person-centered care and desires more tools for navigating sexual health and safety in the context of dementia.
- You’re a Nursing Home Administrator or Long-Term Care Executive who wants tools for navigating sexual health dilemmas
- You want to take your dementia expertise to a deeper level
Live Webinar: 4 Must Know Tools for Navigating Sexual Expression & Consent in the Context of Dementia
Date: 4/12/22 at 12pm EST
Presenter: Dr. Regina Koepp, Board Certified Clinical Psychologist
Cost: Free!
I’m so glad you’re here!
I’m Dr. Regina Koepp, I’m a board certified clinical psychologist, clinical geropsychologist, founder of the Center for Mental Health & Aging, and the vice-chair of the Georgia Psychological Association’s Ethics Committee.
In the last 15 years working with people living with dementia, I’ve seen first hand the alienation and separation many people living with dementia endure, and ways in which their basic human rights are denied, including their right to sexual expression.
My goal is to ensure that all professionals serving adults with dementia have the tools they need to balance an individual’s right to sexual autonomy while maintaining safety. I can’t wait to share these tools with you!
Together, we’ll build an inclusive world for people living with dementia, one that includes love, intimacy, and relationships.